Sunday, January 2, 2011

OK so seriously ... Now what??

Well now that I have an official day to adjust to my new title of blogger. I have a few things to reflect on that have been spinning around in my head. 1st why should anyone care about this blog? I have no idea what to tell ya. I mean you shouldn't. Here's the thing about blogging. I am not trying to shove any sorta agenda down anyone's face. I'm not going to say that I have any sort of answer or awesome insights into the world, life, politics,  or anything really. I mean I have no clue why anyone would care about this. But I'm still gonna put it all out here at will, because who knows... Maybe I will find that I end up having some sort of awesome insight into something.  You don't have to read it.. or comment on it.. or care about it.. really this is going to sit in a world of a billion other online websites and millions of other peoples blogs with equal amounts of non-importance. So why read mine??? I say don't waste your time... problem solved.

I guess as far as this whole thing goes I will say a few things. First off I cannot spell and I also have the worst punctuation ever. I have to mention this because once I had this pen pal who I was writing letters to (I was forced to as a class project..OK this was also when I was in elementary school so long time ago. But even back then my spelling and grammar was bad). So anyways I thought all was going great and we had really started to get to know each other well . OK I can say that I though she was a little on the snobby side but she liked musicals and so we had a lot in common. Well one day I received a large packet while everyone else had little baby letters and I was so excited. But much to my dismay what my pen pal had sent to me was every single one of my old letters corrected in red ink with a note attached informing me that since I cannot spell and have such bad grammar she did not want to write to me anymore. Oh and for some reason I always thought she lived in Massachusetts  when really she lived in Maine.. But for a 10 year old who can blame them for thinking the state abbreviation of MA wasn't Massachusetts. Anyway I hate to say that the whole ordeal  did not motivate me to learn to be grammatically correct, but just to pre-warn people about my faults.

Other then that the next thing I'm going to mention is that I am going to try to be as honest and up front as I can. So yeah, some people maybe be super pissed off or whatever if I spend time talking about them in a way they don't like. But its my blog and I can do whatever I want with it.  I will say this, I am going to keep everything on a first name basis, so hopefully those who read it know who you are, and those who don't well then really you don't really matter much then anyways. So I'll say up front that I'm sorry to anyone who I might piss off in this process or offend. This is not my intention I just don't want to make rules about what part of my life can or can not be discussed.  If you really hate it then just don't follow it. And heck since I bet nobody is going to read it anyways I'm sure that I'm making apologies for nothing.  Anyways.. I have had a long weekend and I think the couch is calling me to come and take a nap.

1 comment:

  1. I love your 'opening a vein' to spill what 's inside -wish I had the nerve to do this..very inspiring Martha!
