Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Ode to a co-worker or ten.

I love my job I think I mentioned that before. I work at a long standing vet hospital in the Seattle area. it has been around for a long time and a focal point in the community. We just practice good medicine. I mean I'm not in anyways gonna say we're the cheapest (cause were not) but were also not gonna gouge you either. I think we walk a decent balance between the two. But for me it doesn't matter about the prices or the costs, or the fact that our decor is atrocious (it is). Because I just like all the people I work with. Today was one of those days that I am reminded about all the really great people I have as co-workers. We were kinda busy in the morning and all of us just found that groove where things got done. We had no weird competition, people jumped in where needed, and everything just got figured out. We worked as a team and got it all done smoothly. Along the way we also had a lot of fun times and laughs, and even a really sad case that came in that had to be euthanized. But what I walked away with is that a huge part of what I love about where I work is because of those very people I work with. So I am just grateful that I have a job and a job that I like and that a lot of the job that I get to be the goofy, weird, kooky worker.  Its satisfying to be in this situation for once in my life.  So yeah if any of my co-workers read this blog then I guess I wanna say thanks for putting up with all my randomness, for  making what we do so fun at the times that it can be, but also kicking ass at the others. You guys all rock!

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